Color Range

What is the easiest way to change the image background in Photoshop? 

Wiki How – this seems like the old way to change a background color. I’m looking for a more efficient way to accomplish a task needing to be done in repetition. Ideally something we could do with a batch edit, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. >_^

How to Select and Change Colors in Photoshop by PHLEARN on Youtube

This tutorial is quick and easy and uses photoshop magic. 


Select Color Range
  1. Create New Layer
  2. Go to: “Select” > “Color Range”
  3. Select dropdown: Sampled Colors
  4. Use eyedropper on the background of the image
  5. Selection Preview: Grayscale (anything white/#ffffff is selected)
  6. Drop the Fuzziness slider & use + and – eyedropper tools to refine selection
  7. Click “OK” when the background is selected
Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer 
  1. Go to: “Layer” > “New Adjustment Layer” > “Hue/Saturation”
  2. Click “OK” (Selection is now applied to a mask on a layer that controls color)
  3. Change sliders for desired color / effect. 

This tutorial uses the hue slider to change the blue background to a teal background. Upon testing I learned that lightness slider helped me achieve the desired effect. The goal is to change the background color to white background for all product photos.

However, the photos I hoped to remove the background from have a beige backdrop with lots of wrinkles and shadows. Alas, I’m still looking for a better way to remove the beige and get a white background for the product photos. Regardless, it was a cool trick and a great place to start. I may still need a combination of other selection tools.

Steps above learned from the PHLEARN video timestamp (0:55-3:55)

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